It Takes A Village: Dotare [DOTAR] Cardano Stake Pool joins the xSPO Alliance

The Dotare [DOTAR] Stake Pool is one of thousands of stake pools in the Cardano ecosystem. We are proud to contribute to the strength of a properly decentralized blockchain and bolster a core tenet of the blockchain trilemma (Decentralization, Scalability, Security). It is the many small independent stake pool operators that preserve the decentralization and resiliency of the network.

An old proverb states, “It takes a village to raise a child.”, and the same holds true for any fledgling members of the Cardano community. That’s why we’ve joined the xSPO Alliance. xSPO stands for “extra-small (stake) pool operators,” an alliance of more than 200 small stake pools, all working together to support small stake pool owners (under 1 million in Ada delegation) to gain delegation, produce their first blocks and ultimately go on to preserve the decentralization of the Cardano blockchain.

As a new member, we have already benefited from the openness and support of many of the early stake pool operators through their discord, Twitter, and weekly calls moderated by ADA4Good. Thank you to all for welcoming us.