February 4, 2023 (epoch 392)– March 31, 2023 (epoch 403)
The FISO is intended to provide more stake to smaller single stake pool operators and help decentralize Cardano’s network. The TeddySwap team will not receive ADA from staking rewards from the FISO, as delegators will receive their normal amount of ADA staking rewards in addition to TEDY tokens.
Initially, 25 million tokens total (0.5% of total TEDY supply) will be rewarded to the participants of TeddySwap’s FISO. Each epoch of the FISO 2,083,333 TEDY tokens (approximately 2 million TEDY per epoch) are rewarded to delegators. The number of tokens an individual receives is calculated by a scoring system that approximates, every epoch, the percentage of total FISO delegation that their ADA equals.
1.25X Smallest Pool Multiplier
TeddySwap FISO participants can earn a 1.25X point multiplier by staking in the pool that has the smallest delegation at the time you stake.
This multiplier will activate after 6 epochs and apply to all future epochs as long as the delegator stays in the same pool. The smallest pool will often change, but don’t worry, you won’t lose your multiplier. Through their scripts, they will track what is the smallest pool at all times and the delegations made to this pool. However, you do have to keep your delegation staked in that pool for at least 6 epochs to begin earning the multiplier.
100% FISO Bonus via Initial NFT Offering (INO)
There will be an additional 25 million TEDY tokens available for FISO delegators, a 100% increase from the 25 million TEDY already allocated.
This allocation is from our Initial NFT Offering (INO), which will be announced shortly. Those who participate in our INO will be rewarded boosted FISO rewards, along with other bonuses to be mentioned soon.
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